Another year has come and gone... my baby girl is two!
(here's a link to last year's answers to see how much has changed in just one year)
(here's a link to last year's answers to see how much has changed in just one year)
How old are you? This many *holds up two fingers*
What is your nickname? Still nothing consistent- sweet potato and sweet pea have remained, in addition to: boo, honey, cutie pie, bug, little bug, and buggy
What is your favorite color? Not quite sure there's a favorite yet. Sometimes you call the black crayon "puppy" because that's the color daddy uses to draw Riley :)
What is your favorite animal? You really like looking for lizards (or "wizards"). Going to the zoo is your favorite thing to do, apparently. But you'll settle for a quick trip to the pet store to look at the fish.
What is your favorite book? Anything that is a book. "Hop on Pop" was your favorite for a majority of the year, and the first one that you memorized.
What is your favorite TV show? You love "Bubble Guppies" "Yo Gabba Gabba" and the "Elmo's World" segment of "Sesame Street"
What is your favorite movie? You still haven't watched a full movie, and I don't think you really care.
What is your favorite song? Old McDonald. You make us sing it over and over again. And you don't want us to sing about the animals on Old McDonald's farm... oh, no. You want us to sing "and on that farm he had a mommy/daddy/Elmo/blanket/Chubby Bunny/fan/baby/etc." In your mind, Old McDonald's farm is full of your most treasured things, and it's pretty cute.
What is your favorite drink? Milk. It would probably be juice if we ever let you drink it, but it's very rare that you have it. We don't want you becoming a juice-head.
What is your favorite dinner? Macaroni and cheese, or, as you say, "mocky sheeze"
What is your favorite snack? Fruit pouches ALL DAY LONG. But you also rarely turn down yogurt or raisins.
What is your favorite outfit? You haven't become attached to clothes yet, thank goodness. You pretty much just wear what we put you in. For now.
What is your favorite game? You still like Peek-a-boo but the concept of a "game" hasn't really sunk in yet.
What is your favorite toy? You love books more than anything, but also crayons, Mega Bloks, and you're really enjoying the Little People house we got you for your birthday.
Who is your best friend? Probably Grammy. But you do seem to like Mommy and Daddy these days.
What is your favorite thing to do? Read books!
What is your favorite holiday? You don't really know what a holiday is, but we'll just go with Christmas on this one.
What is your favorite thing to take to bed with you at night? Elmo. You HAVE to have your Elmo to sleep with, and you put the back of his head up to your mouth to soothe yourself. You also need your Chubby Bunny (sometimes called "Tubby"), two fluffy blankets (thanks, Daddy, for starting that), and one lightweight blanket because you like to be covered up, but it gets hot in your room.
Where is your favorite place to go? The zoo, the pool, the park, the pet store, and Target (Daddy takes you to Target every Tuesday and lets you read books)
Where do you want to go on vacation? Someplace with a zoo and a pool, would be my guess.
What do you want to be when you grow up? At this rate, you'll be a zoologist or a veterinarian. You LOVE animals.
What did you do on your birthday? We celebrated your birthday yesterday, since Daddy had to work today. So yesterday, we went shopping and bought you an Elmo balloon, gave you your presents (a Little People house, an Elmo t-shirt, an Elmo coloring book, an Elmo snack box, a new book), you ate a burrito for dinner and had a cupcake for dessert, but didn't like being messy and didn't eat much of it. Today, you spent the morning with Mommy and then spent the afternoon with Grammy and Pop so Mommy could go get your birthday party supplies and rest because I'm still recovering from surgery. Your birthday party is 7/12 :)
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