Saturday, July 14, 2012

Emma's First Six Days

It was crazy for me to look back at these pictures and see just how much has changed in such a short time. And you'll have to forgive my horrific photography skills. Not only am I a super-novice, but we didn't want to use the flash and we just wanted to snap a few quick pictures so we could touch her and gaze upon her. So there was really no motivation to screw around with settings. The first few pictures are repeats from a previous post. Anyways... here she is!

She was one day old here

                                              She had her CPAP, aka fighter pilot mask, on

 She had enough of having her picture taken (the auto focus assist light was bothering her) so she kicked out her legs just as daddy was taking this picture

                                        Day three (Wednesday 7/11/12), now under the bili light

 Here is her isolette

                                                             No more fighter pilot mask!

 Meeting grandma and grandpa H. for the first time

 Holding hands with Grandma H.

Holding hands with a very proud Grandpa H.

                                                                Meeting grandma Bev!

The cute little hat that Great Aunt Linda made

 Another hat from Great Aunt Linda

Gazing into daddy's eyes on 7/13

 Her first swaddle 7/14

                                                 Hanging out with daddy on Saturday 7/14

 You can tell when she's really content, because she sleeps with her mouth hanging open like this

                                                                     Me and my baby girl!

 I could stare at this face forever! I can't wait for all of these tubes and wires to be off of her...


  1. Adorable!

    You need to get a full sized teddy bear or doll, and take a picture of it next to Emma, and make sure there is a piece of paper in the picture with her age on it (how many days old). Then each month on her birthdate, take a picture with that same bear and with a note of 1 month old, 2 months old, etc. it will really put into perspective her size, but also there will come a time, where you won't remember just how tiny she started out.

    Have fun at your baby shower!


  2. Thanks Dawn and Lauree!
    And Dawn, great idea about the stuffed animal! I got a cute little pink puppy at the baby shower and I think I'll use that :)
