- The doctor's report today was good again! She had another excellent night with only a couple of minor brady's, which seems to be a pattern for her. They still aren't concerned about it and feel that she'll grow out of it just fine. She's back up to her birth weight of 4lb 5 oz and has been tolerating her feeds very well. And then the best part- the doctor told me I could start breast feeding today! After we hung up the phone, I jumped for joy and instantly called hubby... it was such an exciting milestone for me. I can finally feel like I'm feeding my baby instead of feeding this plastic contraption that sits on the end table in my living room.
- I waited for hubby to get off work then met him at his office so we could both drive down to see Emma together. I don't know which one of us was more excited to see her. We got here just in time to get settled in and then help with hands-on time. She's already up to 30mL feeds and only had a smidge of residual in her tummy, which she spit up shortly after it was put back. And then we tried breast feeding for the first time! She latched on like a champ and that's where it ended... but I'm more than happy with how well it went. She's so young still and the fact that she was able to latch on and keep latched while she fell asleep was even better. She did get a little milk and swallowed it. So we're just taking little baby steps with her for now... not that her tiny little feet can do much more than baby steps ;) but I'm such a proud momma at how well she's doing.
- She's been spitting up all night and if it continues, they are going to have to scale back her feed increases and keep her on her 30mL feeds until she tolerates them. Her feeds are so much bigger than they had been, so she may have some reflux that's starting to kick in. I noticed that she was making lots of noise while I was pumping behind the curtain- not noises like she was upset or fussy, but just noises. When I finished pumping, I noticed the spit-up everywhere and since her hands are up by her face, she had it everywhere. Her eyelid, her cheek, her nose... and all over her "daddy's princess" preemie sized polka-dotted onesie :( darn- I was really hoping she'd wear it a little longer so I could get a picture but, such is life with a baby! I cleaned her up a little bit, and I officially smell like a mom. The spit up smell is definitely part of eau de mother.
- I just did a "sham feed" with her which is where she latches on while she's fed through her tube, just how we did the first time except with the assumption that she wasn't going to actually breastfeed. Which she didn't, but that kid can latch and stay on! It really is an amazing experience, especially in the beginning when she's alert and looks at my face. She stayed latched for almost 15 minutes and I held her for another 15 while her feed finished. I stared at her the entire time. I just can't take my eyes off of her; she truly amazes me. I just can't believe, especially after everything we've been through, that hubby and I made this perfect little angel of a baby who is now the center of our universe. When her feed was finished, I put her back into her crib and just after the nurse put a little shirt under her chin in case she spit up again... wouldn't you know it... she spit up again. While she was doing her sham feed, the ARNP came in and that's when they decided to scale back her feed increases and wait until she can tolerate the 30mL's.
- Can I just say that I absolutely cannot wait until she's able (hopefully she's able) to breast feed so I don't have to pump all day every day? Exclusively pumping sucks... just to have her latch on is such a bonding experience, so I know it'll be more so when she's actually eating. And when she's done, I don't have to disassemble her and wash her parts, and then dry them when I'm ready to do it again three hours later. lol.
- I'm getting so much better at diaper changes now! I'm glad I've had practice with other kiddos over the years but there's something seriously challenging about a four pound wiggle worm with more wires attached to her than we have behind our TV. And I also changed her onesie twice tonight and I was surprised at how well I did, considering all of the same obstacles mentioned above plus the fact that I've never changed a onesie on a newborn. In fact, I don't recall if I've ever changed a onesie at all... hmmmm. Anyways, step by step I'm sinking into the mommy role. If anything, and this is a real stretch to find a positive because I hate the fact that she's in the NICU, I'm being eased into parenthood. I have nurses show me how to do everything from diaper changes, temp readings, onesie changes, breast feeding, calming her down, etc. I also have the opportunity to adjust to getting up multiple times at night to pump, getting up early in the morning, and needing a whole lot of extra time to get ready before leaving the house.
- Emma was weighed at 11pm and is up to 4lb 6oz! She's growing like a weed now and will be in her newborn onesies in no time! Which is great, because she has tons of them.
Picture time!
Geez, mom. No more pictures! (7/18)
In her crib! No more box :) (7/18)
I wish I had taken daily pictures of these from the beginning, but I guess I can start with today's :)
As I'm reading this I'm taken back to when I had Evie and her stay in the NICU. Although the circumstances were very different, I remember how hard it was to leave her, to see her hooked up to all those wires, and how complicated breastfeeding her was. But it sounds like you and Josh are handling this like champs.
ReplyDeleteI'm soooo glad that she is doing so well. She is definitely going to be a strong girl.
I noticed you mentioned that she is spitting up. Evie did the same thing. Oakley, too. Both my kids spit-up like maniacs. Ah the smell of spit-up is truly the mark of a mommy. Chris used to joke that when he smelled spit-up he would get turned-on. LOL!
And as far as the breastfeeding, I can tell you that I have tried exclusively breastfeeding both my kids, and I am still partially breastfeeding Oakley. I pumped a lot and one thing that makes things a little easier is get a second set of breast shields, so you can pump twice before cleaning. Also, I could never produce enough, which is why I supplement with formula, but I tried every supplement on the market, and fenugreek was the only thing I took that increased my supply. You can also make lactation cookies (there are a ton of recipes for these on the internet), and they help, too. You may produce plenty for her now, but as she grows and goes through growth spurts, this might be good to know.
I know that you are anxious to have sweet Emma home with you. And she will be before you know it. I always hated how the NICU was all about numbers and measurements and I just wanted to have Evie home, where I could hold her whenever I wanted to without her being hooked up to a million wires. I didn't like that my time with her was always with a nurse over my shoulder telling what to do and what not to do. But like you said, it's nice having someone to show you how to do all those things you've never done before.
Keep that great attitude! You're already a great mom and Emma is absolutely beautiful. And before you know it, she'll be 3 and playing dress-up just like Evie. Little girls are so much fun!
I forgot Evie was in the NICU... wow that was so long ago! Oh and thanks for the info on the fenugreek- I'll keep that in mind in case my supply goes down. Luckily I've pumped so much extra that it'll take quite a while for her to catch up. And thanks for the encouragement and support :)