So I've fallen off the daily blog posting wagon recently but it's because of complete sleep deprivation and putting in more hours at the NICU. I've been staying overnight for the last few days but I'm not switching to the "day shift" and spending my days with her instead of at night. It's a brilliant idea, really, and I have no clue why I didn't realize this beforehand. I won't be spending exactly as much time here, but I don't think she cares if I'm here at night or during the day. This way, I can get some semblance of rest at night in my own comfy bed and be here for her during the daytime. Night visits were getting to be too much to handle for me- it's too difficult to get any sleep; more so than if she were at home with us. As I'm typing this, I'm at the NICU. There's a little eyeball that occasionally opens up and looks at me from the bed near me, and she just let out the cutest little squeak! She's just about ready for her hands-on and feeding time but she's soooo sleepy and comfy on her belly. I'm only here for a few hours today because I have to get her nursery finished...
Now for the only part people really care about, the Emma update! This time, in non-bulleted form for the sake of keeping things exciting and new!
Doctor's report: So one of the reasons why I need to update this daily is because I frequently forget about what happened the day prior. I do know that she started being weaned off of the Elecare formula yesterday- the day prior, she had been getting it every other feed. Yesterday, she was switched to breast milk for two out of three feeds and Elecare for the other one out of three. She started having "events" in which she would have a Brady while feeding, usually due to her choking for some reason. Apparently this is pretty common, even in full term babies, and it's not too concerning but needs to be watched. It got scary yesterday because her face actually started to turn grayish blue, and of course this happened while her daddy was feeding her which really scared him. It scared me too... but she was just fine and her oxygen saturation stayed at 100 the entire time. Her heart rate did drop into the 50's though. She didn't have any of those issues until the other day, and suddenly she's getting them during multiple feedings each day. When I spoke with the doctor today, he said it wouldn't prolong her stay here because if it's only happening during the feedings, then it's not as big of a deal because someone is right there watching her and can stimulate her right away. The issue is if the Brady's happen while she's sleeping or just lying there, because if no one is around to see her color change, then it could be very serious.
When the doctor called today, he said she had another great night and took her feeds from the bottle well. Way to go, Emma! He said that they would pull out her feeding tube today and that she is "nearing discharge" now... huhwhaaaaaa?! My heart skipped a beat when he said that... she has to consistently take her full feeds from a bottle for 24 hours before she can go home. I'm not sure if the countdown has started yet or not, but her feeding tube is still out so I'm guessing she hasn't had any issues. She did, however, puke all over the dayshift nurse earlier. It just so happens that it's our favorite day shift nurse again- she requested to be assigned to the baby across the hallway because he's typically paired with Emma. This way she could have Emma again but it wouldn't look like she was just requesting to have her back. Anyways, she said Emma puked up practically her entire feed- about an ounce and a half- all over her pants and the rocking chair. She thinks Emma had some curdled milk left over from her prior feeding and that this had something to do with her projectile vomiting.
I mentioned to the nurse that the doctor said she could come home after 24 hours of successful bottle feeds. She said most doctors want the baby to go for a few days without the feeding tube and that 24 hours is just a little too quick, but that this particular doctor is usually "very optimistic" and sends babies home pretty quickly. But regardless- she will most likely come home this week! Provided that all continues to go well, that is.
Emma's progress: She's up to five pounds now! Well, 4lb 15.7 oz, but it gets rounded up to 5lbs ;) Wahoo! She feels so much more like a "normal" baby now- I sit in the rocking chair and bottle feed her while she's perched on her boppy, just like millions of moms do in their homes. The only difference is that she still has wires attached to her and we're still in the hospital. Speaking of wires, her feeding tube is out! Her little cheek is still pretty red from the irritation of having the tape removed so they could get the tube out, but I really love looking at her pretty little face when there's nothing obstructing the view. She also has very kissable cheeks, so it's nice to be able to kiss both of them, which I did a few times during hands-on today. I also kissed her hand, her foot, her tummy, and her forehead. Multiple times. What can I say? I've waited a long time to be able to shower a sweet little baby with kisses without getting a dirty look from the baby's mom... because this baby's mom is me. And I'm not going to give myself any dirty looks for kissing my baby ;)
She passed her car seat test! We did it around 1am on 7-28 and she did just fine. She had no breathing or heart rate issues and snuggled right in and fell asleep after a little while. She wasn't too sure of what was going on at first, though. And she looked like a tiny little baby doll in her big car seat (pictures below). I was so very proud! After her car seat test, she had a quick sponge bath under the warmer and I learned some little tips and tricks on giving a sponge bath to a preemie. So mommy gave her baby a bath for the first time!
Mommy update? I think I royally screwed up- I believe I just missed out on the last time I can play princess for the rest of my life. I do remember that my discharge paperwork told me to rest for four weeks, and the doctor wanted me to start trying to work out after six weeks in order to regain my muscle tone after being on bed rest and resting after delivery. Woops... I forgot about that whole "rest for four weeks" thing. I may have rested for about four hours. I know I pushed myself entirely too hard the first few days and I really paid for it. But I feel absolutely fine now- better than I did while I was pregnant, even... However, I guess I should have taken the opportunity to play the "I just had a baby!" card in order to get out of doing laundry, vacuuming, etc. while I could. Oh well... And, I still hate pumping. Like, really hate it. As I'm writing this part, I'm back at home (I've been blogging in increments because I can't seem to find the time to actually blog all at one time right now) sitting on the couch, glaring at the stupid hospital pump sitting next to me. How stupid is it, you may wonder? So stupid, that it stopped working earlier. Just completely pooped out. At least it made a pleasant sounding little chirp as it displayed "error" on the screen, which made me want to chuck it out the window just a little less. After researching it online and trying a few things to fix it in addition to hubby appearing to try to break it even more- ok, fine, he was trying to fix it too- I had to take my
Hubby and I spent most of last night putting up the new shelves in Emma's closet, so I spent most of the morning/early afternoon trying to get the rest of Emma's stuff organized and put away. I still have more to do and hopefully I don't end up staying up way too late tonight to do so. Her nursery is almost done! I'll post pictures when it is, because right now there's still some aftermath from that Pepto Bismol tornado.
Emma-isms: After I fed her this afternoon, I was rocking her to sleep as I usually do. She looked around for a little bit with her big, wide, dark eyes and made some cute little facial expressions. I usually tell her about her life at home, her family, things that have happened, etc. I told her that we had a birthday party last night for her Grandpa, and she smiled just after I said it! It was absolutely adorable. Her Grandpa happens to have three other beautiful, precious granddaughters (I love my nieces to pieces!) who adore him and I can see that Emma will also be a grandpa's girl :) I'm fine with that, because I was a daddy's girl growing up.
She's also been doing this thing every once in a while but I'm struggling to define what this thing is. It's kind of like she's breathing in and out very deep and fast, almost like she's hyperventilating for a few seconds, but there's a lot of vocalization to it. It pretty much sounds like a half laugh/half breathing but it's actually incredibly cute! There's no warning about when she's going to do it, so I can't imagine I'll be capturing it on camera any time soon.
Speaking of cameras- if I can remember, I'll be taking my Nikon to the NICU tomorrow to get some good pictures of her and her room. Since we're quite possibly nearing the end of her stay, I want to make sure to get some good pictures to remind us of her journey.
And speaking of pictures... !!!!!!!!
Her car seat test on 7-28. She looks just like a little baby doll in there!
In her car seat with her wild child blanket.
Her night shift nurse made a little name card for above her isolette on 7-29. I love that her nurses love her so much :)
Emma the caterpillar!
Just hanging out ;)
Sleeping peacefully on 7-29.
Wait! I'm not ready for pictures yet- have to put my makeup on.
The nurse turned on the warmer prior to Emma's bath and she sprawled out like this. She was so content and comfy that she practically melted into the bed.
Showing off her pretty outfit on 7-27.
The night shift nurse also made this for us. On the back, it's a little certification of birth from the hospital with her birth info on it. So cute!
Quite possibly my favorite picture of her so far. No other caption needed. (taken 7-27)