Saturday, June 30, 2012

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

I'm just going to jump right to it: today was fantastic!
I went to bed terrified of the thought of having Emma soon. The new game plan seems appropriate to me, but the feeling that the doctors all think that this baby will come soon has me quite nervous. I couldn't sleep well last night because I was getting frequent contractions, some that were crampy feeling, for most of the night. I was woken up at 6am when the tech took my urine collection, then again at 7am for a blood draw, at 8am for vitals, and 9am by the nurse. She brought me my meds and gave me my LAST beta shot. The painful one in my bum... she did a great job of actually injecting it but the aftermath is the worst. I felt a little overwhelmed for a bit and cried a little about the whole situation, but hubby comforted me and made me laugh and I felt a lot better. Sometimes I just need to let it out and then move on. But then magically, the contractions went away. I only felt two at most before breakfast, and only had one on the morning monitor! That was pretty much a record for me, and baby girl's heart rate was awesome, even though she hasn't been moving much for the last few days. I think it's from the steroid shots. And I really didn't have many contractions today at all... maybe three or four per hour at the most which is major progress from 6-10 per hour all day long. I really think that my UTI was causing a lot of the issues and now that it's being treated, I'm feeling some relief.
The results from my urine collection were late because of a missing order in the computer, but the nurse later told me that my protein level came back at 254 (or 252, can't remember the last number but it was definitely in the 250's). I was floored. I was expecting a larger number because the perinatologist said that a significant amount of white blood cells, which contain protein, in my urine could cause the total protein amount to increase and cause a misleadingly high number. And since I have the UTI, I assumed that this would be the case. So when she said 250-something, I almost jumped for joy. Hubby immediately asked if I could go home. lol. My blood pressures were also stable today and I felt pretty well all day long. It was nice to not have constant contractions.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up about this too much, because I have good days and bad days, and this was just one great day. But if the trend continues, I'll count it as a miracle. Heck, I already feel as if it's a miracle, just for one day of good news! It has to be because of the Oreo's and other goodies in my treasure box of snacks from my aunt and cousin. :)
My in-laws stopped by and had a nice long visit with hubby and I. Have I mentioned that they're the best in-laws ever? Because they are. They brought us lunch and we talked for a while. Once my IV antibiotics were done, we went outside into the garden for a bit and I got some sun, but it didn't last long because it was so hot outside. It felt great to get some sun on my skin though. It also felt great to be surrounded by people who genuinely love me and hubby and care about us deeply. I feel it contributes to healing and well-being.
So now, I present to you some photos from my hospital days and whatnot:
 This is what my twice daily monitoring sessions look like from my perspective.
 My SED's- to prevent blood clots. They are so fashion-forward, right? Especially with over-sized basketball shorts.
 The silk flower cake my mom made my for my birthday.
 My birthday cupcake from the hospital. And it was my favorite flavor: vanilla with vanilla bean frosting!
My freshly painted piggies, thanks to my sister-in-law who was thoughtful enough to get me some pedicure supplies for my bday :)
 My almost 30 week belly (29w 6days)
 Emma's profile shot
 Her sweet little face with her lips parted- her chin is on the left and forehead on the right.
Another shot of her face.
 The aftermath of my unsuccessful IV attempts. There was blood all over my arm and some on my blanket.
 The nursery is coming along! Here is the glider and crib :)
My smooching Suzie, given to me by my in-laws today. She's so cute! And you can see the orchid my hubby bought for me on the table in the background. It's real, so I hope I don't accidentally kill it!

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