Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fussy Pants

I've figured it out: cheese puffs. That is precisely the smell emanating from my darling little Emma. I knew it smelled oddly familiar, although I have to add that the version coming from the baby is much less appetizing than the processed, powdered cheese product covered puffs that come in a fifteen gallon sized bag for $1.

I got some things accomplished today... words that haven't really come out of my mouth or been typed by these fingers for quite some time now. All thanks to some help from hubby and a strong cup of coffee. It all started when hubby took over dealing with angry baby this morning and let me sleep like a college kid (see, Emma's not the only college kid in this house!) until 1pm. Not that I got a ton of sleep by any means, as I barely slept before 8am and was awakened many times between 8am and 1pm. But those few hours of sleep gave me the energy I needed to finally catch up on chores. Hubby also helped with the chores throughout the day as we took turns trying to soothe angry baby. So I managed to get some laundry done, finally seal, stamp, and send out the thank-you cards (yep, the same ones I've been working on for two and a half months now), and clip coupons.

Now let me tell you, these last few days have been hell. Emma has been increasingly fussy and we just can't figure out what it is other than some gas. But even then, I'm not completely convinced that it's the only thing contributing to this extremely fussy baby. She's not screaming all day, aside from her typical colicky behavior in the evening, but she's just fussy. She can't sleep calmly or quietly for longer than about a half hour at a time, at which point she starts wiggling around, grunting, squealing, and making a bunch of noise. Typically with eyes still shut, until she wakes herself up completely and begins to get increasingly upset until she cries. She started doing this earlier in the week, when she would wake up about an hour after her early morning feed and would fuss, so I would get up and rock her back to sleep and all would be well. Now it happens every hour all night long, but I'm having great difficulty getting her back to sleep at all. She did it all day long, too. We even put her in her swing, which usually puts her into a deep, coma-like sleep, but she still woke up and fussed. She was just lulled back to sleep by the swing instead of one of us having to pick her up and soothe her. So she may just end up sleeping in her swing tonight, although that makes me nervous for some reason. Probably because her motion sensing clip won't work in the swing, so the fear of her magically dying in the absence of a monitor creeps back into my mind.

I'm tempted to turn the baby monitor off tonight. I have to wonder if she's alright to just fuss a bit at night and if it's more harmful to me than her. With my bedroom door and her bedroom door open, I can easily hear her if she starts to cry, but it's harder to hear the fussing. Maybe she's just fine to fuss it out, and if she gets upset enough, I'll hear her and be able to tend to her. I have the monitor on now as I type while sitting in bed, and she's been fussing for the last ten minutes off and on. But for once, her fussing spells are shorter and she's actually sleeping in between them. Her little arms and legs just flail all over the place and I'm waiting for her to wake herself up.

So tonight, we shall try the following:
swaddle with arms in (even though she typically doesn't like it and is a warm baby, we're going to try)
stand on our heads

Would I be a bad mom for turning off the monitor so I can sleep through her fussing? It's not like she would be crying alone all night, but there's nothing I can do when she's mostly asleep and just making a bunch of noise and moving all around. Right?

We did have some wonderful play time today, though. She is way too stinkin cute for her own good... hence the reason why she gets attacked with kisses all day. Even on her puke-y cheek. Diaper changes have become quite the interesting part of our day- sometimes she's so hungry that she cries pretty much the whole time. But lately she's been able to calm down enough to turn it into a chance to socialize and play. She has a pink puppy (thank, Kelly and Chris!) that I prop up on the side of the changing table of her pack n play and she smiles at that puppy like it's her best friend. She also smiles at me, which melts my heart. And now she's cooing and making cute little noises when she gets so happy that she can't hold it inside anymore, which also melts my heart. She woke up this afternoon and I thought she was hungry, but it turns out she was just pooping (and consequently wasn't finished, which I didn't realize until I was in the middle of changing her diaper. And formula-fed baby poop is super gross). So she was then awake but not angry from being hungry, so play time ensued. She smiled and cooed at her puppy for a bit, then I put her on the floor on a blanket and the real puppy came to play. Riley, the real puppy, thinks Emma is her new pal. A new pal that may be a chew toy... I have to watch her because she thinks flailing baby hands are play toys and I'm worried she's going to nibble on them one day. But for now, she just licks Emma's hands and sometimes her face, although I try to prevent the latter from happening as much as possible. But Emma smiles and coos at Riley, and Riley licks and sniffs Emma. But Riley gets a little too excited and tries pawing at Emma as if Emma is capable of petting her, so I usually have to swat Riley away at that point. Emma also apparently likes Riley's fluffy tail when it wags near her face... so play time today was extra cute and I could watch this kid smile and coo all day long. Jeez, how am I going to be when she can say "mommy?" 

Now she's getting more fussy. We're bordering on upset... it may be nearing the time when I try to employ the first of my things-to-try-tonight tactics: the pacifier. She usually only takes it when she's hungry, but she's been using it more often today. So I'll give that a try.

The one good thing about her fussing is that I know she's still alive if she's grunting. I'm so terrified of SIDS. She doesn't have her motion sensing clip on her diaper right now because hubby didn't put it on her before he fed her and I ended up holding her until I put her in her crib. But I was certainly not going to wake her up to put her clip on her after she finally went down quietly in her crib. So I started checking her monitor like a nutcase to see if she was breathing. Once she started fussing about a half hour later, the need to be a nutcase subsided. I've gotten plenty of condescending looks from experienced moms when I mention that I'm following the SIDS recommendations as much as possible (no loose blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, bumper pads, sleep positioners, etc in the crib and only back sleeping is allowed). But these are all parents who have kids who made it past the age when SIDS occurs, so of course they can call me silly for being a nutcase. They survived the phase, whether they followed the rules or not. But I could care less if they think I'm crazy. I'll be crazy for a year if that means I'll get to watch my kid grow up. And I'll be damned if something happens because of a stupid blanket or letting her sleep on her tummy.

I'm not quite sure if she's even able to get into a deep sleep anymore. She seems to be breathing a little too fast to be in a deep sleep, and I know she can't be sleeping too deeply if she's flailing and grunting so often. This can't be healthy for her.

It's going to be a long night.

But I have pictures!
Baby shorts!

Her pretty dress that she wore to visit Grandpa :) 

Emma and Riley, BFFs 

Look at me! I can hold up my head!

1 comment:

  1. She is so darn cute! Hard to believe how tiny she used to be. Now she has cute baby chub!
