Seriously, 2014, what gives?!
It's only April and I'm ready to be done with this year already...
Forgive me if this post is incoherent, as I am currently under the influence of (prescribed) narcotics. Read on.
This mess kind of began in August, but everything really hit the fan within the last month-ish. I had a biopsy done in mid-March, and two days later got a call from the doctor's office saying "we have your results and you need to come into the office as soon as possible and bring your husband with you so we can discuss treatment options." Yea, never a good thing, and it completely ruined what would have otherwise been a lovely weekend because aforementioned call occurred around 4pm on a Friday. Ugh. Earlier that same day, I took our dog to the vet because she had been acting funny and, surprise! Her bladder stones were back and she needed surgery the following Tuesday.
That Monday, I went to my doctor and we discussed me having surgery. Which was scheduled for yesterday, 4/24. So, puppy has surgery and mommy has surgery. Which equals a serious drain of our savings account.
Puppy's surgery went well, and her recovery was OK. I stayed home with her for a few days because she was absolutely miserable and was unable to pee or eat without assistance... that was no fun whatsoever. My surgery went well too- it was an outpatient surgery and I didn't even feel nauseous coming out of the anesthesia. I was only under for about an hour, which probably helped. I slept for the majority of the day yesterday.
This morning, hubby said he'd get up with the baby and let me sleep. Except, that didn't happen. After he got her up, he came marching into our bedroom and told me something wasn't right with the baby. He sat down on the bed with her on his lap, and said she was acting funny. He was right- she just kind of sat there and stared off into the distance. When she would finally come back to reality, she was quiet and very still. She would mutter a few words, then space out again. He handed her to me, and she immediately laid on top of me with her head on my chest, completely still again. And if you know anything about my child, you know that the only time she snuggles with me like that is if she's scared or hurt. So something was definitely not right. When she finally started becoming more oriented and talking more, hubby took her into the other room to feed her. I sat with her while he was making her breakfast, and she seemed better for the most part. I started recording her just in case, and she had another episode that I luckily got on video. She was asking daddy for a pancake, then noticed me videotaping her. She looked at the camera and said "cheese" and then went completely blank. She stared right through the camera, without moving anything other than her hands. I rubbed her cheeks, waved my hand in front of her face, and called her name to no avail. She finally snapped out of it, looked around for a second, and then happily said "pancake" again.
All signs point to a cluster of absence seizures.
I called the doctor and they got us in right away. I was so focused on my poor baby that I didn't shower, eat, or have any coffee. I grabbed my pain meds as I rushed to get everything together and off we went to the doctor. Emma was excited to see the fish tank in the waiting area, as usual. She said hi to the fish and wanted to kiss them... love that kid. I showed the doctor the video, and he agreed that she was likely having seizures. He gave us a referral for a pediatric neurologist and that was that. It wasn't until after we left the doctor that I realized I was absolutely starving and in a significant amount of pain. And I really needed some coffee. A quick stop at Dunkin Donuts fixed all of that, and my sweet girl happily chowed down on almost half of my pepper-jack bagel. It was relatively spicy, but honey badger don't care. She gobbled it down.
I can remember two other episodes similar to this morning's, but neither was nearly as what we experienced today. The other two episodes were short and isolated, not repeated like today's were.
My goober was a big goober for the rest of the day, and you would have never known that she spent the first part of her morning in such bad shape. She had a great appetite, took an OK nap, and chatted up a storm all day long. So at least it didn't ruin the rest of her day... although it really put a damper on mine. Of course I spent the day Googling "absence seizures" off and on, in between dozing off in bed and watching somewhat of a marathon of "The Office."
I feel like this is the beginning of another chapter in our lives. More doctor's appointments, a lot of tests, and a very anxious and nervous mommy. There are no words to describe the feeling of watching your child go through something like that and knowing that there's nothing you can do to help her... and it puts a pit in my stomach to look at the neurology referral and see a diagnoses of "petit mal seizures," knowing that it's about my sweet, precious, helpless little angel. Ugh. This blows.
So prayers are appreciated, and advice is always welcomed. I'll do my best to not curl into a ball and try to hide from 2014... but omg make it stop.
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