Saturday, February 2, 2013

Roll, Baby, Roll!

When I started this blog, I made an entry every night. That's what happens when you're stuck in a hospital room with not much else to do other than watch live basic cable and try to figure out a pocket loom with terrible instructions. And now, I'm trying to squeeze in an entry every other week because, well, I'm tired. And busy.

And certifiably insane.

Because, you know... when you can't even find enough time to make a stinking blog post, it's a brilliant idea to pack up your entire house and move. 

So, yea- I think we're moving. I say think because we have to find out if the loan company is crazy enough to approve us for a second mortgage. It's a strong possibility, but I'm not going to start packing until we know this deal is going through. But it's tough not to daydream about the new house all day... it solves almost every issue with have with this current house. Now, before I start complaining about my current home, know this: I'm grateful for what I have. Sincerely grateful. So please don't think otherwise... but we were kind of screwed over when we bought this house and it was a bad choice. An opportunity has presented itself, and we're taking it. I'm typically not a risk-taker, at least in the conventional sense. I'm very vanilla and not much of a skydiver.
My biggest gripe is that crazy baby's bedroom is bordered by the garage (where hubby works out and makes a ton of noise, in addition to the noisy garage door), the kitchen (and it happens to be the one wall of the kitchen that has all of the cabinets AND the microwave and stove. So. Noisy.), and the guest bath. So forget about doing dishes, cooking, or doing anything in the garage (which includes going anywhere because opening the garage door is noisy too) during nap time or after bedtime. And about that kitchen- there's zero storage. To the point that we had to buy the world's most hideous monster of a cabinet from Ikea and put it in the "dining room" so we could have a place to store some things. We also only have one great room (living/dining combo) that is so crammed with basic furniture that Emma has no room to play when she gets older. Anyways, I'll stop there. But the list of reasons why this house really bothers me goes on and on.
But just know that if the loan gets approved, my already-lacking blog updates will likely cease for a bit while we purge, pack, and unpack. And then try not to spend the rest of our savings on things for the new house. We're adding just shy of 1000 square feet of house by moving to the new one. So we'll have some space to fill... hellllloooooooo Pinterest pins. :)

Alright. Anyways. Onto the good stuff, as they say.

Crazy baby is still crazy. That was quite expected. And as the days are going on, her little personality is really shining through... she is a spunky, happy, giggly, goofy little girl who makes monster noises and squeals so loud she startles even herself. She loves carrots and sweet potatoes and isn't a huge fan of peas. Regardless of what she eats, she likes to sputter while food is in her mouth, essentially spraying bits of oatmeal and fruit/veggies all over the place (yet another awesome feature of the new house- tile in the dining room instead of carpet. Who was the genius that decided to put carpet in a dining room? Sheesh). For some reason, the string of links that I let her play with in the bath sometimes makes her laugh hysterically. And she loves her Sophie the Giraffe teether... it makes her smile when she sees it. Her daddy is her favorite person in the whole world. And she loves to grab faces. And then pull your skin off...

On the development side, I'm not sure what to make of her. She was making huge strides for a bit, but now she has kind of plateaued with her gross motor skills. She still doesn't roll unless she's assisted and doesn't sit up on her own. She can "tripod" where she leans forward and supports herself with her hands on the ground. But no independent sitting yet. She's also working on babbling but isn't quite there yet either. She's still really good with her hands, though, and started perfecting her pincer grasp today. Maybe we have an artist in the making... probably not an athlete though. Lol.

But I'm officially done focusing so much on what she can and cannot do... it's easy to compare babies when so many of your friends have children around the same age. And it's also difficult for me to remember that she was two months early. But she's just fine... she's doing things at her own pace and is definitely learning new things every day, so I'm not worried at all that something is wrong.

Oh, and she's really fat now. Probably a little over 17 pounds and she's about 26" long. She's in her 9month Carter's clothes now, which is sad because she got a lot of cute stuff in a 6 month size for Christmas that she wore once. And she has a good amount of summer clothes in 9 month size that she'll probably never wear. Oh, well.

She had her cardiology appointment earlier in the week and the hole in her heart is either closed up completely or so small that they can't see it by ultrasound anymore. She still has a murmur, but the doctor wasn't at all worried about it and told us that Emma's heart is completely normal for a baby of her age. I don't know what it was about that doctor, but Emma just adored her to the point that the doctor couldn't get a good pulse in Emma's feet because she was kicking so much from being so darned happy and excited.

Sleep... ah, yes. Glorious, wonderful sleep. She actually had a few weeks in which she was sleeping for about 12-13 hours straight many nights. Now she's back to waking up once per night, usually around 4am. And you know what? It doesn't bother me at all. I actually kind of enjoy those times. Just me and Emma, rocking quietly in her nursery in the dim night light, with the house completely silent and still. Just snuggling in silence. It's not a half-bad experience if you ask me. Some parents are in such a rush to have their little one marathon-sleep every night that they forget to cherish those bonding moments in the quiet with their sweet little baby. I'll sleep all night again one day, but I'll never again be able to have these moments with Emma once she grows out of this stage. She knows that I'll peer over the edge of her crib at 4am armed with a bottle and that she'll drift back to sleep all comfy and warm in my arms. And I know that I'll crawl back into my still-warm bed after I put her back in her crib, smelling of her and falling asleep thinking about her sweet little face. I absolutely love being a mommy. Her mommy.

BUT. This mommy isn't feeling well. Sorry for any slurring of my text here... I'm on a new medication that's making me a little foggy. Hopefully we can figure out what's going on... in true 90210 fashion, it's a mystery. It started with losing an insane amount of weight without trying. I can't even begin to count the number of times people say "you don't look like you have a six month old!" when they find out I have a baby. My automated response is "I missed the last two months of pregnancy, so I didn't gain that much weight." I believed that for a while, until the scale told me otherwise. Then my response shifted to "yea, they're testing my thyroid function." Well, my thyroid is fine. As are the rest of my vital systems... which is good. But now I guess I just have to say "thank you" when someone makes the weight comment to me. Anyways, I also started bruising easily. But I'm not anemic and my white blood cell count is fine, but the bruising has since gone away. Then the dizzy spells and shaky hands started and I've been dealing with that for a week now. *sigh* So I'm taking Antivert for the dizziness. It's not really helping with that, but I'm definitely feeling quite sleepy now.

So that's the update- I'm not feeling well, I have an almost-seven-month-old baby, and I'm planning on moving in a month. Because I'm a genius like that.

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