*sigh* but this evil baby is certainly something else. She had her nine-month well-child exam on 4/9... I had noticed recently (maybe I mentioned it in my last blog post? Can't remember) that she seemed to be a lot taller all of the sudden. And yep, I was right- she was in the 84th percentile for height. Eighty fourth. For those of you who know me in real life, you know that height is not something I ever excelled at. Spelling, yes. Being tall, no. And hubby is average height for a dude... I won't go into detail because my dad will pretend he's mad at me for saying my family is short... but my family is short. Now, clearly this doesn't mean that Emma will be a behemoth when she's an adult because I was reasonably tall for my age as a young child. I just stopped growing around... eighth grade? Ya.
She weighed in at 19.6 pounds (the .6 I believe is 6/10 of a pound, not six ounces) which is in the 61st percentile. So my short fat baby is now a tall kind-of-fat baby. I still have to take extra care to wash in between her folds and rolls in the bath so that they don't get cheesy, so I'm pretty sure she's still really fat, 61st percentile or not. And her head was in the 31st percentile, but it's still too big for her little body, as is typical for infants. Her head has always been on the small side, though, and I guess that's not a bad thing. As long as there's enough room for a big enough brain so she can be a doctor when she grows up...
I am so grateful that she has fallen into a fabulous schedule lately, especially with how (literally) insane my job has been over the last few months. My saving grace has been that Baby Bird has been sleeping entirely through the night for a while now. If I was still having to get up in the middle of the night, fix a bottle, change the baby, feed the baby, rock the baby, and put the baby back in bed again, I think someone would have had to Baker Act me by now. But her scheduled, which is subject to change with no notice, has been: wake up sometime between 7 and 8am, feed herself an 8oz bottle, playtime/ride to meet grandma or to Grammy and Pop's house, breakfast at about 9:30, 10:30- 4oz bottle and naptime. She usually wakes up around 12, then has lunch, plays, has a 4oz bottle and nap around 2:30. She sleeps until about 4:30 or 5, then another bottle and playtime. Dinner at 6:30 (if I'm home by then, which I rarely am these days), bath at 7:30, bed at 8. Repeat.
So mixed into that nice little schedule is a lot of shrieking, grumping, and babbling. I can't get over how crazy she is... she decided to try to see how loud she could scream today. I'm not even kidding- I watched her holding a plastic ring (from one of those stacking ring toys) in her Pack n Play and she started screaming at it like it had insulted her mother (which, it didn't). Then she started screaming louder. Then louder. And just when I thought she couldn't scream louder, she did. And then screamed even louder again. All at this poor red ring which I'm fairly certain did nothing to deserve that kind of verbal abuse.
I think my neighbors think we're abusing this poor child. We're not. But it probably sounds like we are.
For some reason, she still hates eating lunch and dinner. And I'm being completely serious and somewhat facetious at the same time when I say that trying to figure out how to properly feed my kid solid foods has been more difficult than when I took pre-calc in high school. There's no consistency in information on the web- some sights say to feed her 4tbsp of cereal AND a jar/tub of baby fruit/veggies per meal. Others say 1-2tbsp of each. Emma will gladly eat a whole container of yogurt or about 2tbsp of cereal and 1/2- 3/4 of a jar of fruit in the morning. Lunch time is a struggle and sometimes she doesn't want to eat anything you put in front of her. Same with dinner. Although this weekend, she did a little better and actually gobbled down her veal (I call it veal, but it's not. It's jarred beef baby food. Which equals baby beef. Which equals veal. The end.) and green beans for dinner two nights in a row. I couldn't get her to eat her green beans for lunch today, though. Hmph. For dessert tonight (she actually never gets dessert. That's not why she's fat. She's just fat because she's fat, and she's a baby) she had some apple cinnamon flavored baby puffs. I was worried that they were too big and she'd choke on them so I broke them into pieces and let her play with them. When the pieces are so small, she doesn't quite get the fact that she can put them in her mouth and eat them. Instead, she usually just picks them up and plays with them. But tonight, she figured it out and ate a piece all by herself. I gave her progressively larger pieces until I gave her a full sized puff, then held my breath in anticipation of her swallowing it whole and choking to death. But alas, she chewed the darned thing like a big girl and eagerly awaited the next one. So it would appear that my little crazy animal can start moving on to some big-kid food and table food instead of all of this pureed baby food nonsense. Of course, she'll still have plenty of that too. I have a pantry full of baby food now :)
I've been feeling very grateful this weekend. Aside from being exhausted, that is. We had a busy weekend of shopping... can I just say that I'm tired of spending money? I'm serious. After the down payment on the new house, we still had to buy a new washer, dryer, refrigerator, garage door opener, breakfast nook table/chairs, end table, rugs, shower curtains, door mats, ceiling fans, mini fence for the backyard for the dog, security system, and various bits and pieces of things here and there. Oh, and Emma is transitioning into her 12-month clothes, of which she doesn't have much. So I bought her a whole new wardrobe this weekend, and that was actually the fun part. Now she has a few drawers full of new clothes and I cannot wait until she wears each new outfit. Since we're only having one child, I'm so glad to have my girl. Shopping for girl clothes is insanely fun. It is a little bittersweet to start shopping in the toddler section of the stores now and to see that she can wear two-piece jammies at night now, because they sell those in 12m size. And that I can't find too many onesies in her size either, because most of the 12m stuff is separates, just like big-kid clothing.
So while I'm trying not to be broke, I'm soaking in my surroundings and being grateful for what I have. And whom I have. Specifically, a husband who cooks and does dishes every night. ;)
I've been reading over my old blog posts lately and it's an amazing reminder of how much things change in just a few months. Every time I find myself getting frustrated, I remember the days when Emma refused to nap in her crib or would be up every couple of hours every night and I think darnit, 90210. This really isn't that bad! Stop whining! I mean, jeez. I used to rock her and bounce her in my arms for what seemed like an eternity while she calmed down enough to sleep. Every. Night. Now, I feed her, rock her for a few minutes (depending on how drowsy she is and how difficult it is for me to let her go for the night), put her in her crib, and let her babble/kick/wiggle/clap herself to sleep.
My last saving grace- no teeth. I can't even begin to describe the stress I've been enduring at work lately. So add to my ever-growing list of things that would cause me to have a psychotic break: teething. Thank you, Emma, for not having any teeth yet. They can wait for a few more months, right? Please?!